Tuesday, September 29, 2015

More photos from Rihanna's shoot for Fader's 100th Issue...

The queen R for Fader magazine. More photos after the cut...


Woman posted selfie of her boyfriend pointing a gun on social media hours before he allegedly shot her dead

According to the police, 21-year-old Stephanie Hernandez posted one picture of a gun and ammo in her Little Rock home and also sent a Snapchat photo showing her smiling at the camera while her boyfriend, Rafael Gonzalez, holds a gun behind her head. "Strap Chat," the caption said, punning a slang term for carrying a gun. A few hours later, she died by the same gun...

That night, the mother of a 3-year-old and an 8-month-old daughter, was found dead from a gunshot wound in her house. Police found the home ransacked, with blood all over a floor. Gonzalez, 20, was arrested the next day and and charged for first-degree murder, police said.

It’s unclear what led to Gonzalez allegedly shooting his girlfriend. Hernandez’s daughters were with relatives when the shooting happened, her friends said. Hernandez’s family members were horrified to see the pictures she had taken, not knowing they would be her last...

      "I guess they were loaded. In her back — it is just mind-blowing. I don’t understand how anybody could do that." Hernandez's uncle Rey Hernadez told KATV.
Now they’re left to explain to Hernandez’s little girls what happened.
      "My nieces have been crying all night," Hernandez’s sister Camryn Startz told KATV. "I haven't told my 3-year-old niece anything yet. She knows something is wrong because she wants her mom."

Relatives said Hernandez had just moved into a new home weeks ago and was supposed to start a job Monday morning. One friend, Jaquinlan Davis, told KATV Hernandez’s boyfriend was “a bad influence” and the two had a rocky, on-and-off relationship.

Photos: Buhari, Obama, Ban Ki Moon at UN General Meeting

President Buhari sat next to US President Barack Obama, US National Security Adviser, Ms Susan Rice an UN Sec Gen. Ban Ki Moon at the Leaders' Summit during the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York today September 29th. Continue to see more photos...

Kim and Kanye schedule their due date - expecting 2nd baby on Christmas day

Kanye and Kim are set to welcome their next bundle of joy on Christmas Day, according to TMZ.
Kim Kardashian's due date is December 25, 2015 ... seriously. Sources close to the couple tell TMZ, doctors have back timed the date of conception and they've been told their son will be born on Xmas day. Obviously, the due date is always a little up in the air, but Xmas is the likely date, and here's why. We're told Kim has a condition where the placenta grows too deeply into the uterus, which could be dangerous.
We're told as of now, doctors are planning on a natural birth on Xmas day, but a c-section might be necessary that day for safety reasons, if she doesn't give birth beforehand. And, we're told, Kim and Kanye have already booked a Deluxe Maternity Suite at Cedars-Sinai in L.A.

FalzTheBadhGuy spotted (photos)

 A LIB paparazzi spotted the comedic music star with a fine Karishika at Ikeja Mall today. More pics after the cut...

Aww... Chris Brown begs Australia's govt to let him into their country

Chris Brown is scheduled to perform in Australia in December - but government officials last week announced their intention to block his work visa because of his 2009 domestic assault conviction. Chris took to twitter today to plead his case with Australia. More tweets after the cut..

Why I married 18 year old Adamawa princess - Emir of Kano

Emir of Kano Muhammad Sanusi II has responded to criticisms following his marriage to 18 year old Sa'adatu Barkindo-Musdafa last week. In a private email sent to select people which has leaked to many social media platforms, he explained why he decided to marry Sa'adatu. Read below
"I am sure NC members all have their views and have kept quiet out of (appropriate) deference to our right to make our individual choice. Obviously I do not need to explain anything to anyone in a purely personal matter but a few points are worthy of note:
1. The lady in question is 18 and thererfore legally of age to marry under all laws and certainly inder Muslim law
2. She is proceeding for her undergraduate education in the UK in january. She had an A in computer science in her O levels and plans to get a degree in computer science
3 each and everyone of my wives is a university graduate and some have worked and fhen stopped and in each case the choice was purely theirs
4. It is a tradition in Kano that emirs and princes in choosing wives consider issues beyond the individual. The family is in every sense a social unit. My predecessor was married to princesses from Ilorin, Katsina and Somoto
5 The relationship between the late Lamido of Adamawa Aliyu Musdafa the father of the current Lamido is well known. Lamido Aliyu was the first emir turbanned after emir Sanusi I and they remained close until Sanusi’s death. 
6. My own relationship with the current Lamido dates back to 1981 when he was Ciroma and commissioner for works. By the way the Lamido and I are not illiterates we know what we are doing and he does have a PhD in Engineering
7. My own mother was married in Adamawa and lived there for more than two decades and I have eight younger brothers and sisters from there
8 it is therefore natural that if I choose to marry from another kingdom Adamawa would be the first choice for me and I am extremely happy to strengthen these ling historical bonds
9. The young lady in question gave her free consent and even after the contract the wedding will not happen for a few years. By then she may be 21. If she freely consents to this I do not know on what moral grounds anyone has a grouse. She is an adult, she gave her consent, her education is not being in anyway interrupted. 
10. The real issue is that people do not accept cultural difference. And you can see it in the approach to these issues. I am supposed to be urbane and western educated. Yes but i am not european. I am a northern Nigerian Fulani Muslim brought up in a setting exactly like the one my children are being brought up in. 
If you read this and it improves your understanding of this issue that is fine. If it does not justvremember it us not your life, it is not your daughter and you are not my wife therefore it is not your business. 
I obviously cannot stoop to the level of responding publicly to these kinds of articles. I have always been an advocate of girls marrying after maturing. I personally like the minimum age of 18 even though i understand those who say 16 is fine and indeed this is the law in most so calked @advanced@ countries. 
Is this something that I expect a european or western trained or feminist mind to appreciate or endorse? Not at all. But has any american been bothered about my views on men marrying men or women marrying women which frankly I find primitive and bestial? No and my views do not matter. These are cultural issues. 
Even in Nigeria I have heard all this stuff as in Pius article about “north” and northerners. Again it is a failure to respect difference. There are parts if this country where parents expect their daughters to live with their boyfriends for years and actually get pregnant before they marry. It has become culture. We do not have that in the north and if your daughter gets pregnant before marriage she brings nothing but shame to the name. But we do not issue condemnations. We agree that this is how they choose to live. And i can give many other examples. 
When people use the term libido they do themselves injustice. First of all it shows how they view women and marriage. Women are nothing but the object of sexual desire. Marriage is nothing but sexual gratification. Well I am sorry but in my tradition it is not. Beauty and attraction rank third after religion and lineage in the choice of a wife. They see an 18 year old young lady. I see a princess of noble birth whose mother is also a princess, and who has been brought up in a good muslim home. This is the kind of woman that is prepared for hiving birth to princes and bringing them up for the role expected of them in society. 
Martiage is both social and political. Expanding the links of kano which have already been established by my predecessors through inter marriage with katsina, sokoto, ilorin, katagum, ningi, bauchi etc to adamawa is an important and signifant step and this is obvious to anyone with a sense of how royal families work and Ibn Khaldun’s sociological concept of Asabiyyah. When the emir of Kano marries it has to be something beyond what he oersonally desires to what is appropriate for that position and the expectations of the people he represents. You dont just pick up any girl on the street. And by the way for thise who shout libido sex is cheap and available everywhere in all shapes and sizes and all colours if that is what they want. And all ages too. Martiage is a very different proposition. The mother of your children has to be something other than, ot at least much more than a mere object of sexual fantasy. But if you do not know that you need to buy yourself a brain. 
I have daughters. And they know they can only marry from certain backgrounds. I always prefer family. When my daughter wanted to marry mouftah baba ahmed’s son and she asked me, knowing my views on family, i told her mouftah is family. And this is not about me and mouftah or me an hakeem or nafiu. No. It goes back to Baba Ahmed and Emirs Sanusi and Bayero. And the same rule applies to my sons. And it applied to me as well. 

It is I am sure very strange that I should even bother to comment on this. But it would be hypocritical for me to just keep quiet so long as these things are being posted and commented upon explicitly or in a snide manner. There was no secrecy in the marriage fatiha. The date was fixed and it was to be done in the central mosque after friday prayers. The day before we had a tragedy in Saudi Arabia and decided the fatiha must be very low key as a mark of respect for the dead. All traditional rulers in adamawa were there, as were governors and commissioners, members of my own emirate council and adamawa people. There is nothing here to hide or be apologetic about. 
The emirs of adamawa have shown love to my parents and grandparents and it is a sign of my appreciation of their love that i marry their daughter. This is the highest statement of friendship and loyalty on both sides. 
Again if you understand this this is fine. If you do not buy yourself a brain, A la Pius. 
In any event this is my one and final and only comment on this. And I am making it out of respect for NC members.”

Blogger arrested over Facebook post on Gov. Amosun wife remanded in prison despite bail

Ojo Emmanuel, who was arrested over the weekend for allegedly writing against Gov. Amosu's wife on Facebook was granted bail today at the Magistrate court in Isabo Abeokuta but was surprising not released.
After meeting the bail requirements as at 4:00pm today the Judge of the State Magistrate court suddenly refused to sign the bail bond of Mr. Ojo Emmanuel. We received news that the sudden turn of event is as a result of an order from Governor Amosun. Ojo has been taken to prison instead of his home. Against the pronouncement made this afternoon." His friend told LIB
A man in handcuffs for writing something on Facebook? C'mon people. This is a democracy! You should sue for defamation not putting people in handcuffs like criminals.

Lawmaker Condemns Police Incarceration of Online Blogger After Bail
A member of the Federal House of Representatives, Hon. Adekoya Adesegun Abdel-Majid (MHR), representing Ijebu North/Ijebu East/Ogun Waterside Federal Constituency has condemned in strong terms the continuous incarceration of an online blogger and Ogun state citizen, Ojo Emmanuel Adediran after bail by the Nigeria Police Force. 
The lawmaker in a statement issued on Tuesday stated that the harassment and withholding of Ojo contravenes the provisions of the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 as amended and a direct infringement on his fundamental human rights. 
"As a law-abiding citizen and one who holds the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria sacrosanct, I believe an accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty, and there are provisions for the protection of the fundamental human rights of the citizens. In this case particular, I hold the view that the right of the young man who is being hounded to the court and paraded handcuffed is totally unacceptable and a breach of his right to dignity."
"I equally frowned at the manner of his arrest without first investigating the substance of his allegation; the police claimed to have only started investigation after he has been arrested. This is alien to the Nigerian law and Freedom of Expression and human dignity as enshrined in the Nigerian constitution"
"It is however odious to read further reports that despite meeting the stringent bail conditions as graciously granted by the trial Magistrate on Tuesday, 29th day of September, 2015, the governor of Ogun State, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, using his power as the state Chief Executive Officer opposed the release of Ojo Emmanuel. This, I condemn in clear terms as reckless and excessive use of state power, calculated at destroying the career of enterprising young men in the state."
"I think the law is vast enough to accommodate redress in the case of any constitutional breach against any individual, the governor and his wife inclusive, and strong arm tactics from the vantage position of executive power should be discouraged lest our democracy is threatened by despots masquerading as democrats. "
"Senator Ibikunle Amosun should allow the law to take its course and not resort to bending same to suit his whims and caprices against imaginary, real and perceived enemies and position. It is not for the sake of reading that Freedom of Expression was enshrined in the constitution but to protect against the arbitrariness and executive recklessness of potential despots.
Ojo Emmanuel Adediran has same rights and privileges just as Mr. Ibikunle Amosun and Mrs. Funso Aamosun, and the law cannot hold the hand of the young man for the delight of the Ogun State Governor."
The lawmaker thereby call on the Inspector General of Police to evoke his power in fulfillment of his avowed policy of protecting the human rights of every citizens of Nigeria against abuse and arbitrariness of power mongers to safe this promising young man against the strong arm tactic of the Ogun State Governor. 
"Ojo Emmanuel deserves the protection of the law and his continued incarceration could not be said to be in good taste. This has the potential of making mockery of the Change mantra of the President Moohammadu Buhari-led administration. " He said.

Nicki Minaj is getting her own show on ABC

Big congratulations to rapper Nicki Minaj who is set to star in and executive produce a new half-hour comedy series not on BET, or MTV or O Network but for ABC Family.
Nicki's own life is providing the inspiration as the show will talk about her own rise to musical stardom including her family's move from Trinidad in the early 1990s when she was very young to her upbringing in Queens, New York.
“This is one of the more unique adventures I've ever embarked on,” Minaj said in a statement. “I couldn't be more proud and excited to team up with an amazing group of people to give the world something really special.”
 Nicki is currently launching a nation wide search in the US to find a young Nicki.

Production will begin in Minaj's hometown of Queens, N.Y., later in the year.

Military action alone can’t defeat war on terror- Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari in a statement delivered on Tuesday at the Global Leaders’ Summit on Countering ISIL and Violent Extremism organised by President Barack Obama on the sideline of the 70th United Nations General Assembly in New York said military action alone would never be enough to end terrorism and extremism around the globe.
He said good governance, transparency, accountability and rule of law, are some of the best ways to start the process of ridding the world of terrorism.
He said while Nigeria acknowledges the efforts by the UN and the international community to tackle ISIS, a lot more needs to be done.
He said:
“Nigeria notes with satisfaction the efforts of the United Nations and the rest of the international community to contain ISIL. We certainly need to do more.
“We need to take military action combined with effective border security, intelligence collection and sharing, and vigorous policing action.
“These alone may not suffice, but they can certainly stem the tide and reverse the process of recruitment, movement and effective operation of foreign terrorist fighters and their associated radical extremists.
“In order to put in place the critical components of an effective approach to countering ISIL and eventually defeating it, we must address the threat from the source.
“We must find a way to prevent young people from turning to terror in the first place. And the young people that turn to violent extremism do not exist in a vacuum – they are often part of communities and families and are lured into the fold of barbaric and nihilistic organisations, somehow, through a misguided appeal to their worst fears, expectations and apparent frustrations.
“While addressing the causes of this attraction and how to deal with them, we should pay close attention to other manifest factors that may not be tangible but can be crucial.
“Good governance, which entails transparency, accountability and the rule of law, remains the basis on which we should kick-start the process of ridding the world of the menace of terrorism and violent extremism.
“The international community will be required to work together to deter and disrupt illicit financial flows from nations with weak anti-theft structures to other parts of the world.”

LL Cool J's oldest son arrested for criminal trespassing

26 year old Najee Smith, the son of rapper-actor LL Cool J, was arrested early Tuesday following a fight in a Manhattan restaurant according to several reports.
Smith refused to leave the restaurant Catch in New York's Meatpacking District and started fighting with security guards who then called police.
Investigators believe Smith was intoxicated, the officials said.

Najee Smith is facing criminal trespass charges in connection with a 3:15 a.m. altercation inside the Catch Rooftop on Ninth Ave. near W. 13th St., officials said.
Najee had just celebrated his birthday Monday and was apparently intoxicated when he caused a disturbance inside the club, police sources said.

When a club employee asked him to leave, he refused, and fought off bouncers as they took him to the ground level and called police, officials said.
Smith is the eldest child of L.L. Cool J who has four kids with wife Simone Smith.
Najee graduated from college in 2014 with a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts.

throwback song (H.I.T.A) BY RICHSONMOZ

 In case you missed this before here is another opportunity for you to have this dope song on your track list by RICHSONMOZ formerly known as MOZVISH lol!!!!
the song is super dope 

click to download 

Friday, September 25, 2015

music by ND2 FT FRANKIE WALTER, isee

Kies records presents Nd2 feat Frankie Walter "I see" a beautiful lovesong,well vocally delivered by Nd2 and soothing vocals by frankie walter on the hook, Beat  by: TU2 beatz , Mix & Master by:,share and enjoy...

ND2 is a talented young music artiste from Edo state based in Abuja with great skills in rap and singing and also a professional Graphic Designer, Online Promoter and Advertiser. He is also the CEO of
