She claimed schools, community leaders and families were covering it up
Ethnic girls particularly at risk of abuse, report claims
Asian victims fear reporting abuse in case it brings 'shame' on their family
Warning came in same week as child sex gang was jailed
Birmingham City Council urged to do more to tackle grooming
A teenage girl was groomed and molested by up to 30 Asian men - including a father and his schoolboy son - during an horrific sex attack lasting six hours, an inquiry heard.
Campaigner Shaista Gohir MBE detailed abuse of the young vulnerable Asian girl in a shocking report highlighting how rife grooming was within ethnic communities.
She claimed that sexual exploitation and grooming of young Asian girls by men of the same ethnic origins was happening under the noses of authorities - with community leaders, schools and families are all too ready to dismiss the attacks or even cover them up.
Muslim and women's rights activist Ms Gohir used the harrowing Birmingham case, involving a teenage girl who was allegedly molested by between 20 to 30 men, to call on authorities to do more to tackle the issue.
The attack was said to have taken place over six hours and included a father and son, who was in school uniform, and taxi drivers who turned up in groups.
The report, presented to Birmingham City Council, followed interviews with 35 victims, as well as several sex attackers from Muslim communities throughout the UK.
Ms Gohir also challenged the popular view that grooming and exploitation, as in high-profile cases in Rochdale and Oxford, was mainly carried out by gangs of Asian men abusing white girls.
'People tell me they have heard about Rochdale and Oxford and see it as something which happens elsewhere to other people, but it is happening in Birmingham, it's happening everywhere,' she said.
This warning came in the same week as a child sex gang was jailed for abusing young girls.
Judge John Bevan QC said the four Roma men and boys and an Iraqi Kurd had ignored the responsibilities of living in this country as he sentenced them for molesting and sexually assaulting five girls aged as young as 12.
Four of the gang members were from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Two of the victims were Czech and Slovak, while the other three are English.
Last year, seven Oxford men, mostly of Pakistani heritage, were convicted at the Old Bailey of running a paedophile sex ring.
That trial had followed another, almost exactly 12 months earlier, concerning nine Asian men based in Rochdale.
Ms Gohir said girls are more likely to be targeted by people of the same ethnic and cultural background.
They may also be particularly vulnerable to abuse as they can be blackmailed into keeping quiet because of the risk of 'bringing shame' on a community, she added.
When abuse is revealed some families are more likely to send the daughter abroad or hastily arrange a wedding to get rid of the problem rather than face it, the report claims.
'The biggest barrier that we need to address is the shame and honour card,' Ms Gohir said.
'They would rather protect the honour of the family and community than report an offender and protect other girls, as well as get the victim the counselling and help they need.'
She also added attitudes of young boys and men needed to change as often they did not see what they did as rape, and had no awareness of the impact of their actions on women.
Members of the council enquiry are considering new measures including raising the issue with parents or teenagers through secondary schools and encouraging greater use of relationship education.
Labour councillor Waseem Zaffer said: 'I have seen this presentation three times and each time I get angrier and angrier. There are a number of issues in the south Asian community which are swept under the carpet and this is one of them.'
Inquiry chairwoman Cllr Anita Ward added: 'When we are dealing with child sexual exploitation we need to recognise that it is not only Asian men grooming white girls. The victims do not come from any one particular culture or community, and neither do the perpetrators.
The inquiry will take further evidence in March before compiling a report for the city council.
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